
GUDEG - Food From Jogjakarta

RESEP GUDEG JOGJA (Indonesian food)

Special food that comes from the city of Yogya (Yogyakarta), can be a very famous saying. Even up to foreign tourists are also very fond of its .. like foods that come from areas of Central Java, have a sense that this warm and slightly sweet savory.
You can try it out based on this recipe.

Gudeg Recipes
  • ½ coconut
  • 3 pieces teak leaves
  • ½ medium Of chicken
  • Egg
  • Young jackfruit

  • 3 onion seeds
  • 4 cloves garlic
  • 1 teaspoon coriander
  • 6 para hazelnut
  • 2 pieces laos
  • ¼ teaspoon shrimp paste
  • 3 bay leaves
  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • 2 tablespoons brown sugar and vetsin (flavor)

How to cook :
  • Poached eggs and grated coconut for coconut milk made
  • Young jackfruit cut a little rough after washing.
  • Then boiled with teak leaves to arise until soft red color. Drain and then crushed.
  • Blend the ingredients, except the bay leaves and laos. Enter into the saucepan with the coconut milk, chicken pieces and young jackfruit slightly mashed.
  • Add bay leaves and laos, boiled continue until the coconut milk finish. last, enter a peeled hard-boiled eggs, add thick coconut milk and simmer until the coconut milk out.
Serve with rice and an additional side dish.. After all, now ready at present. ^ ^ Enjoy!


  1. Brother, gak ada salahnya loh kalau ingin mengunjungi Indonesia | Japanese Terima kasih sebelumnya :)

  2. dont u want up to date again mate?..
    keep it! ;)

  3. Mau CUCI HELM atau perbaiki helm yang rusak?.. pengen cuci sendiri juga ga tau bahannya ?
    jangan bingung.. SEXY HELM bisa menjadi solusi yang tepat!!
    kami juga bikin TALI KLIK ANTI MALING ;)
    Terima order pembuatan MESIN CUCI HELM (blower) untuk
    yang ingin buka usaha paket hemat, MURAH!

  4. can i get your full collection of indonesian foods ?
